Sunday, February 07, 2016

Anyone want a talk near London near July 2nd?

I am going to be giving a talk for the IEA in London on July 2nd. Is anyone else in the general area interested in a talk? "General area" includes anything within a few hours of London, further for people prepared to provide an interesting audience and pay expenses, further still for people prepared to provide an interesting audience, expenses and an honorarium.


heiner said...

I would be. And possibly the good people of Google in London, too.

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure there are enough people who would be interested in the talk. I am from Oxford and could easily come by.

Anonymous said...

I'd be interested in flying over from the continent, in that case.


Anonymous said...

I would love to but am busy on that weekend - unless 'near July 2nd' extends to cover the following weekend, which presumably it doesn't.

David Friedman said...

I expect I will want to spend at least a week on that side of the Atlantic, given the time and trouble of getting there. I'll want to come at least a couple of days before my talk to give myself time to recover from jet lag.

So I could come a week or so early, leave a day or two after the talk, or come a few days early, leave a week or so after the talk. That will depend on when it is convenient for other people to set up talks. I'm pretty flexible—if anything the second pattern probably works better for me.

Jonathan said...

Off-topic, I wish you a happy birthday!

It's also the birthday of Charles Darwin, Ray Manzarek, and my mother (1931-2013), among others.

Anonymous said...

And Julian Simon! Whoo woo!

gurugeorge said...

Absolutely would be interested, I live in London.

Anonymous said...

David, I've send an email to the address found on re: talk at Google around July 2nd.